A bad day.

Anyone that lives with or has had experience with anyone living with Dementia or Alzheimers knows that there are good days and bad days and that they can go as quickly as they come, sometimes they last just a day and other times weeks.

Today unfortunately, is a bad one. Every time the bad days subside you hope that it’ll be the last but, really deep down inside you know that give it a few days, a week or month if we’re lucky and all the progress built up in the previous days will once again be lost. But, you work through it, you show them the right way, you remind them, you help them and you carry on as usual, despite things being far from it. Yes, it’s incredibly difficult but, sometimes you just have to stay strong for those going through it. We don’t really discuss it in our house, it’s just something we’re all learning to live with; some better than others.

It’s watching someone you love slip away right before your eyes, slowly and painfully. Watching them forget even the most simplest of activities right up to some of your most precious memories. It’s not easy.

I pray that one day they will find a cure to prevent this terrible illness that snatches those who we love away from us in one of the most cruel ways possible.

We hope.